
Showing posts from February, 2025

Sounds for Film

 Hi blog, today were working out our sounds. I feel like it wouldn't usually need its own blog, but I wanted to get it right. The biggest sound bite we are going to need to focus on is the car crash. Obviously we can't actually crash the cars. We also can't call any emergency services. So we are going to have to make it as realistic as possible with sounds and editing. I was thinking we can recreate sirens in the background of the video with a megaphone. Usually there is a siren button on them, and I think Nico has one we can use. Now for the crash, it is going to be a little harder. I was assigned the job of figuring out the crash sound because of my interest in cars. So my plan is to use scrap metal and maybe rocks or soda cans. I can bang them against each other to create a metal crunching sound and a screeching sound. I can also try to slide my car around in a parking lot to get a tire screeching sound that is often associated with hard braking before a crash. I conside...

Getting Materials

 Hi blog, today my group worked on getting everything we would need to film. First was the biggest prop, the cars. We decided to use my car as one of them. I drive a convertible which could allow for some really cool angles. I thought maybe a drone shot following from behind then going inside could be awesome to film. For the other car we will be using Nicolas' mom's car. We are also going to need the props to fake the drunkenness. Our best options are either an empty beer bottle or some type of labed placeholder. This task will be left up to Nicolas. Another prop needed could be fake blood. Our group is still working on the decision to use it or not. There is the issue of it being too graphic. If we do want to add blood, our options are virtual blood added in post, store bought blood, or a homemade mixture. If we want a less graphic accident, we may skip to a scene showing Tom with bandages or simply looking deceased. Finally, we might need to use makeup. I think it would add ...

Logistics and Scheduling

 Hey blog. Today my group worked planning our first steps. We had a conversation about how we are going to film. There was the issue of gathering props and materials. The gathering was split into costumes and props. After a quick debate, the job was delegated to Nicolas for props. Then it was decided that everyone would get their own costumes. We also started planning our locations. There was a need for accessibility and the concern over noise level. If it was a busy place, it would be harder to film. My group does not have any professional microphones that can tune out sound. This took us about an hour of discussion to come up with a plan. In the end, there were several locations we picked out to film. Most were places we knew well. For example, my dad's office, or a park near my house. There was also Nicolas' neighborhood, Tom's community, and Nat's work. We haven't finished creating the full film schedule. It is very difficult to do with all the testing coming up...