Problems Faced
Hi blog. Today we ran into some issues with the clips. The first issue was actually really funny. During filming, Nico held the camera really close to his face. This led to his breathing being picked up on the recording. While it wasn't a huge issue, it did still pose a problem. We had to cut out the sound from some of the clips. This meant even more time spent editing. Our solution was to add overlays of sounds. This was easier than I thought it would be, which was great. Another issue was the drone. Getting the footage off it was much harder than it should have been. The drone died we had to charge it. So we lost a day of editing there. Then, once it was online, it took a while to get everything transferred. After that it was a breeze though. The last, and biggest issue, was some of the clips had to be reshot. Either they didn't turn out good, or we just forgot to film a small part of the scene. We all had to clear a day in our schedule and shoot the final scenes. Now, were down to editing everything together and the film will be done.
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