Finishing the Filming

 Hey blog. Today we got to filming immediately after sundown. We had a lot to film and wanted to make sure we got as much done as possible. We started with the party scene. To set up we got out some folding tables and some red solo cups. We also wanted fake alcohol. The issue there was the issue with safety and censorship. We can't use real alcohol because it would be illegal to have underage drinking. So we used empty beer bottles to represent the alcohol.  This scene was also pretty fun to film. Setting up and taking everything down did take some time, so we did lose a little bit more filming time than expected. After the party scene, we got to work on the scene after the crash. The goal was to capture the sadness and despair of a death caused by a car crash. The hardest part was the acting. We were all having way too much fun to be very serious and sad. We reshot the scene probably 7-8 times because we kept laughing and breaking character. To make sure we covered everything we shot a few scenes that we cut from the storyboard, just in case we decided to make any changes during editing. One of them was an extended version of the after-accident scene. Another was a scene involving a police officer arriving on scene. They were originally cut to save time, but may be added back if the timing permits. Now that everything is done being recorded we are ready to start putting it together. 


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