
CCR Part 1

Here is the first part of my CCR. I filmed this with my mom and had a great time making it. Hope you enjoy. This is questions 1 and 2.

Final Task: Taken In The Shadows

 Making this was very fun. Hope you enjoy.

Production Blog: Making Changes

Yesterday, our team had an enlightening feedback session with Connor's group, and it proved instrumental in refining our video project. Their constructive criticism and valuable suggestions provided us with a roadmap for making impactful improvements. We wasted no time and immediately integrated their feedback into our final edits to ensure we captured their insights accurately. Our primary goal was to strike a delicate balance between enhancing the video's entertainment value while maintaining a high level of professionalism throughout. One of the pivotal points highlighted in their feedback was the choice of music, which they felt didn't quite align with the intended tone of the video. After careful consideration, we made the decision to swap out the music for a more fitting soundtrack, resulting in a significant improvement in the overall viewer experience. This change not only made the video more engaging but also added a layer of coherence to the storytelling. Addition

Production Blog: Film Review

 Hey everyone, I've got some exciting news to share! Our team has just completed our video project. However, now that we've wrapped it up, we're curious to get some outside perspectives. We thought it would be valuable to show it to a fellow classmate who shares our level of experience. The challenge was finding the right person for the job. After asking around my class without much luck, I remembered a friend, Connor. His group graciously agreed to review our video in exchange for us reviewing theirs. Connor's group provided us with a wealth of constructive feedback, particularly highlighting areas such as our sound design. We had initially chosen some royalty-free music, but their group felt it didn't quite mesh with the overall tone of the video. This led us to consider two options: either adjusting how we use the music to better suit the video's narrative, or selecting a different piece of music altogether. We plan to make a decision on this tomorrow, along

Production Blog: Transitions

Crafting the perfect transitions for our video became a captivating challenge. We recognized the transitions as crucial elements in enhancing the flow of our storytelling. Experimentation became our mantra as we delved into various transition styles. From subtle fades to dynamic wipes, each transition held the potential to elevate our narrative. We spent hours meticulously fine-tuning each transition to ensure seamless continuity. Discussion and collaboration fueled our quest for the most effective transitions. Every transition was a puzzle piece, contributing to the overall coherence of our video. We explored different software tools and techniques to achieve the desired transitions. The process was a blend of creativity, trial, and error, as we sought the perfect balance. Sometimes, simplicity proved most impactful, while other moments called for flair and innovation. Each transition underwent rigorous scrutiny, ensuring it served the story without overshadowing it. We drew inspirati

Production Blog: Song Choice

In the whirlwind of filmmaking, one of the most challenging tasks we encountered was finding the perfect song to accompany our scenes. We knew that the right music could elevate our film to new heights, but finding it proved to be a daunting endeavor. Hours were spent scouring through endless playlists, searching for that elusive melody that would capture the essence of our story. Each member of our team had their own vision for the soundtrack, leading to passionate debates and conflicting opinions. We experimented with various genres, from upbeat pop tunes to soulful ballads, hoping to strike the perfect chord with our audience. Despite our efforts, every song we considered seemed to fall short of our expectations. Frustration mounted as deadlines loomed, and the pressure to find the ideal track intensified. We revisited scenes repeatedly, attempting to synchronize them with different music choices, but nothing seemed to fit seamlessly. The search for the perfect song became a test of