Short film Research: DeKalb Elementary/Drama

 a Common Sound in drama • Diegetic: The sound of the office staff of the school during daily activities, including discourse and children laughing. The gun shot and the screams of both the teachers and children as they realize what is going on.  • Dialogue: conversation between the office staff and the shooter making demands to the staff she must pass to the police, including The shooter advising police to evacuate people in the area. The shower speaking to himself, regretting his actions realizing he should be on medication in the hospital.The Discussion of the grown man, threatening the staff that they will die. The young man admitting he is suicidal and wanting to give up, but the office staff speaks him out of such thoughts and encourages him to be caught by the police. The intruder, wanting to apologize to the students, regretting to have scared the children. • Ambient sound: Police sirens head in the back, waiting for the shooter outside. 

b. Common Mis-En-Scene (CLAMPS) in drama • Clothing: Casual-business attire for the staff, uniform for the students, shaggy dark clothing worn by the shooter. • Lighting • Acting: The fear in the staff as they realize how real and dangerous this situation is. The shooter not caring for his life. The shooter not aiming for anyone inside the building, but instead shooting outwards to police. The young man with the gun realizing his mistake and looking remorseful. • Makeup: The shooter bleeding after being shot at by police on the neck. • Props: Phones, bookbags, books, a fire arm. The handful of bullets the shooter intends to utilize for his attack. A disposable flip phone,  • Setting: An educational center, more specifically an elementary school. 

c. Common Editing in drama • Shot-Reverse Shot of interaction between the office staff and the intruder. • Eye-line shot of the intruder regretting his actions 

d. Common CAMS (Camera Works) In Drama • Medium shots: between the office staff and the intruder throughout their interactions. • Two Shot of both speaking to each other. • Close up to the fear in both of the workers. 

e. Example films of your genre • "We are Columbine" • "World Trade Center" • "American Tragedy" 

f. What elements of the genre that you like? • The elements that caught my attention about this film were the remorse the young boy had. Throughout the film he regrets his decision, desisting and harming no one. That type of acting touched my heart as even the people we fear, have their own fears. The makeup and clothing could possibly be incorporated into the film to humanize and spread awareness of thinking before we act. 

g. What elements of the genre do not appeal to you? • Unfortunately, this specific setting would not be incorporated, although it is a very real and unfortunate event that happen too many times, this isn't the tragedies set to be highlighted by this project.
