Production Blog: Editing

 Now that we are done filming it is time to put it all together. We all agreed that Tom should be in charge of editing. He was in charge of editing for our last project together too. He has learned many new editing skills. Tom also has the best computer in our group. We were going to meet at his house, but decided to have our meeting over a phone call. This allowed more versatility for everyone. Our next step was figuring out which software to use. The options were Adobe or Cap-cut. After some deliberation we agreed on Cap-cut. After that we worked for a while. As Tom edited the clips together we would discuss what changes needed to be made. Maybe making a certain clip shorter or adding a certain effect to the scene. We definitely spent way too much time on the transitions though. I tried to integrate them into the clips, but it still took some time. The total time was about 4 hours. At least until my group decided it was enough editing. After that we reviewed the clips we had put together. Looking through it, we all agreed it looked really good. We all said goodbye and agreed to meet again soon for the next blog.


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