Our Pitch Blog- Final Task

Pitch A: A little boy named Tom was walking home one day, while a mysterious man watches him. Will he make it home safely before he gets kidnapped? 

Pitch B: The neighborhood park seemed quiet and peaceful, until someone took a step towards the shadows. What will they think once they discover the true mystery about their park?

Pitch A Discussion: This story is about a little boy who gets kidnapped. We want to do this because it seems like a fun and creative choice. We've already planned out a perfect place to do it, in a dark street with only one light. We already had some very good ideas on incorporating credits, and all have our roles shifted into place for it. I believe this pitch would be a perfect idea once we think of all the aspects and would definitely like to perform this.

 Pitch B Discussion: This story is about a seemingly normal park; it seems safe and clean. However, its secretly a hub for crime in the city. This is where major crime deals are made and plans are formed. Then a group of friends accidently discover it. I believe that this idea would work as well, however we haven't gone over every idea we'd need to yet. This pitch doesn't seem as fun to film, and I don't believe it is as creative as our other pitch. 

My Final Decision: Since we wanted to be creative and have fun with this project, we decided on the first pitch.


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