Research blog: Music Video

Here are some examples me and my group researched and the conventions we found. 

Song: Hurricane 

By: Kanye West 

Camera Angles: low angle, high angle, aerial shot, two shot, medium close up, Dutch angle, long shot. three shot 

Editing: cross cutting, cutaway, dissolve, zooms and action shot 

Sound: diegetic sound, non diegetic sound 

Mise-en-scène: identical characters, lightning, kneeling characters, water and rain, clouds, stars, low lighting with bright flashes. 

Song: Blinding Lights 

By: The Weekend 

Camera Angles: aerial shot, low angle, medium close up, high angle, medium long shot, long shot, establishing shot, Dutch angle, two shot, zooms 

Editing: dissolving, cut away, insert, slow motion 

Sound: diegetic, non-diegetic sound, ambient sound. 

Mise-en-scène: red suit, driving car, bar, fake blood, city, low lighting with flashes of bright light. 

Song: Umbrella 

Artist: Rihanna feat. Jay Z 

Camera Angles: low angle, establishing shot, long shot, medium close up, medium long shot, over the shoulder shot, high angle

Editing: cut away, cross cuttings, zooms 

Sound: diegetic, non-diegetic sound, ambient sound

Mise-en-scène: black background, mist, party attire, CGI water, umbrella as a prop


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