Production Blog: House Scenes

This blog is about how my group filmed the rest of our scenes. The day started out with Nicolas calling me to tell me he was running late. Tom arrived on time though. Once he did arrive, we got sidetracked quickly. We talked for a while, then went inside to get water. When we went inside we got distracted again and went to go play games. Eventually, we realized that we needed to get the project done. I brought out the props while Nicolas and Tom got ready. I set up the camera on a tripod I had. I made sure to run through my lines and actions quickly before we started. We started with the outdoor scenes. While we were outside, I suggested filming some extra scenes. My thinking was that in case one of the scenes was messed up or needed to be longer, we would have more of that scene. So we went back to using the hose. My little brother got to drive again and everyone was happy. After filming the extra scenes we moved onto the new ones. We all went inside and began to film the indoor scenes. This took longer than we expected, but it was fine. We had planned for this. By the time we were done, it was dark outside and the sun was gone. We decided to call it a day and begin editing another time.


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