Planning for my Music Video

We started by trying to decide on our song for our music video. We wanted something strong and with meaning. We also felt it should be able to be molded into something we were proud of. W
e looked around for a while and decided on the song. We chose Umbrella by Beyoncé. We felt it would be a good match for us and our vision. For the video we only need a couple of simple props. We are going to use an umbrella and a hose. We will use the umbrella to shield us from the water we are using from the hose to simulate rain. For costumes we will be wearing casual clothing which we feel is not too important to get wet. We will try to do it when it is raining or cloudy. If we can't do that, then we will do it later in the day when the sun is not as high up so that it fits the environment for the video we have for the video. We are planning on doing it at one of our backyards as the grass and trees will help sell the fact that we are in the rain like how we want. Our backup plan is to go to a park and film there instead. We would have to choose one with a place to put a hose in so we can get the so-called rain. For the costumes if we cannot use normal apparel, we will use pool clothes that we can very easily get wet. For the props we can easily get and umbrellas and hose as they are everyday objects. We will not have a problem acquiring them. If we go to a park with a lake and forget one, we may be able to borrow a kayak and use it instead. We have contemplated a lot as a group we can all agree. These are all the parts we need to make a video that we will be really happy with.


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