Production Blog: Application
I started the project by deciding what application I should use to create my commercial. After careful deliberation between iMovie and Cap Cut, I eventually decided to choose iMovie. Once I choose the app I would use, I had to figure out how to import my pieces of media. Luckily, iMovie is from apple, so it was already connected to my camera roll. I searched my camera roll for about 15 minutes finding all of the pictures and videos I needed. I then imported my four pictures and two videos. I went to go import my song, but realized I needed to change it first. The issue is it had language that was not school appropriate. I decided that I would deal with the song later and focus on the rest of the commercial first. So I started to adjust the length of each picture. I knew the total time was 60 seconds. I knew the videos were 16.5 seconds when added together. The math added up to be 43.5 seconds for the 4 pictures. This meant about 10.8 seconds for each picture. I then thought about adding an intro slide. I realized this would mean I would need to redo the math for each picture. This meant I now had 8.7 seconds to show each picture. Then I thought about a an ending slide. This meant each image was now about 7.3 seconds long. Then I created an intro and outro slide on PowerPoint. I took a plain black slide and simply added some text. I screenshotted the slide and added it to my commercial.
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